Microfinance Loans


Primarily intended for working and business capital of clients such as purchase of equipment and assets for use in the business, buying of raw materials, purchase of office supplies, etc. Members can borrow up to Php150,000.00


The MF-Micro-Agri Loan seeks to assist the clients of CARD SME BANK, INC. to have access to microfinance loans that they can use in implementing agricultural and other agriculture related business. Loanable Amount up to Php150,000.00 Mode of payment is weekly, monthly, or semi-monthly.


MF-Micro-Housing Loan product seeks to assist the microfinance clients of CARD SME BANK, INC. to improve their houses and have comfortable living. Loanable amount is up to Php300,000.00 Mode of payment is weekly equal amortizations.

Other Loan Products


The OL-Educational Loan is a product that intends to assist those members who have school age children but needs financial assistance to send them to school.

  • OL-EDUCATIONAL LOAN I – High School 

This loan shall be used in all educational loan granted to clients for the purpose of supporting client’s children in High School .

Loanable Amount: Up to Php 10,000.00
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization


  • OL-EDUCATIONAL LOAN I – Senior High School and College

This loan shall be used in all educational loan granted to clients for the purpose of supporting client’s children in Senior High School and College Level.

Loanable Amount: Up to Php 20,000.00
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization


  • OL-EDUCATIONAL LOAN II – Elementary 

This loan shall and only be exclusive for clients with children of dependents in Pre-school and Elementary Level (Daycare/Kinder, Prep, and Grades 1 to 6).

Loanable Amount: Up to Php 5,000.00
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization




Realizing that the sickness and other health problems, being experienced by the microfinance clients and borrowers and their house hold members, remained to be one of the biggest threats in maintaining high portfolio quality in the microfinance operations, CAD SME BANK initiated partnership with PhilHealth and SSS in order to ensure access of the services of Philhealth and SSS to CARD SME clients and their families through facilitating payments and documentary requirements.


OL-Health Loan Philhealth is a loan provided to members intended for paying their Philhealth contribution for their one year hospitalization coverage and benefits.

Loanable Amount: Up to Php 4,800.00
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization

The OL-SSS Premium Loan is intended for CARD SME BANK members and savers who want to avail services of SSS for their future retirement. CARD SME BANK provides OL-SSS Premium Loan to all qualified members amounting to maximum of 6 months premium payment for the members.

Loanable Amount: Up to P15,000
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization


In the continuous effort of CARD SME BANK, INC. towards assisting our clients and in further support to our Mobile Financial Services (MFS) project, mobile phone/cellphone loan shall be offered to all qualified clients. Loan shall be used in acquiring mobile phone/cellphone unit.

Loanable Amount: Up to Php 10,000.00
Manner of Payment: Weekly Amortization