Supporting local: CARD and Oryspa collaborate on wellness products
In an effort to reinforce economic and social development in the local communities of Benguet Province, the Business Development Service Foundation (BDSF) of the CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institution (CARD MRI) has collaborated with Oryspa, the first and the finest maker of rice bran based spa products in the Philippines, and came up with a lotion and beauty oil out of turmeric.
“This is the first collaborative effort of CARD that ventures on wellness products,” said Julius Adrian Alip, President and CEO of CARD-Business Development Service Foundation Inc. (BDSFI).
The effort, according to Alip, is part of CARD MRI’s commitment to build a professional and sustainable business development service that responds to the needs of CARD micro-entrepreneur clients.
Sherill Quintana, the Founding President of Oryspa, also expressed her excitement with the collaboration. “This effort will enable people to bridge the gap in adding value to their raw produce. We also look forward that this will pave the way to more economic gains and job creation,” Quintana added.
Your no ordinary wellness products
The land areas of Benguet, according to the Department of Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Provincial Profile, can cater to cultivated annual crops, perennial tree and vine crops, pastures, and plantations, among others, which includes turmeric plant.
Turmeric is a perennial plant, which belongs to the ginger family. It has been used for thousands of years in Asia. Turmeric is also the major component of Siddha medicine, a traditional treatment medicine originated in South India.
Quoted from an article in The Huffington Post, “turmeric has been used to relieve everything from liver problems to depression to ringworm in folk medicine, but, like many alternative therapies, there’s not always much research to back up the ancient wisdom.”
But this does not mean to disregard what the plant can offer. In a study cited in the same article, turmeric curbs heartburn, indigestion symptoms, and joint pain, delays the onset of Type 2 diabetes, and promotes repair to stems cells in the brain.
Turmeric, when transformed into a lotion and oil, “can be an anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial as well as anti-inflammatory solution; hence, soothing the flare-ups in our skin,” shared Quintana adding that turmeric can be the fountain of youth.
“The lotion and oil products are for external use only,” Quintana reminded.
Supporting local
CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions (CARD MRI), where CARD-BDSFI is a member-institution, has been operating nationwide for thirty years now with at least four million clients.
As an ASEAN winner for Excellence in Healthcare, according to Quintana, ORYSPA coalesced with institutions like CARD MRI to pay forward especially to local farmers in the country. “CARD MRI is a huge organization and that is actually our dream…to reach more local communities,” Quintana added.
According to Alip, some of CARD clients are engaged in farming and at least 1,000 of them are their current supplier for various raw materials for their food, apparel, and furniture products. “In Benguet, at least 14 CARD members are our suppliers for turmeric. Through this partnership, we hope to increase more our suppliers,” Alip added.
The collaboration will also open doors for direct sellers of the product. “It will not just help our local farmers but also those individuals who wanted to be re-sellers of the products,” said Quintana.
For now, the direct selling of products will be open for CARD MRI members. All the products will be available at all Oryspa branches nationwide and Mga Likha ni Inay stores of CARD MRI.
Mga Likha ni Inay is a member institution of CARD MRI that links grassroots microentrepreneurs to the mainstream market. They promote locally sourced materials created by CARD MRI clients who are mostly in rural communities.
For inquiries, you may contact Mary Grace Antipino and Ervie Rose Martinez of Oryspa at (049) 50-6916 (telephone) or 0927-877-7070 (mobile) and Christy Carancho of Mga Likha ni Inay at (049) 561 3268 or 0999-441-2143 / 0919-993-6746.