CARD-BDSFI boosts social media presence to encourage organic farming

CARD-Business Development Service Foundation Inc. (CARD-BDSFI), a member of CARD Mutually Reinforcing Institutions, launches a series of activities on their “CARD-BDSFI Organic Demo Farm” Facebook page in its aim to promote simple organic farming at home.

Through its social media page, CARD-BDSFI seeks to encourage the online community to try backyard farming. As the pandemic has made traveling to markets more challenging, CARD-BDSFI sees backyard farming as a way of sustainable food production. It also sees the practice as an opportunity for budding farmers to start their agricultural produce business.

“We hope that through these series of online activities, we can encourage our clients and followers to try simple organic farming. Besides serving as a stress reliever in this pandemic, this also might be their gateway to opening a new source of income, something that is hard to come by these days. This is our way of helping our fellowmen, in line with CARD MRI’s goal of poverty eradication,” said CARD-BDSFI’s President Frederick Nicasio M. Torres as they hope to turn a simple hobby into a livelihood opportunity.

Organic Demo Farm

In the coming months, CARD-BDSFI will produce more online content on organic farming. The institution aims to support and inspire its social media followers and CARD MRI clients in engaging in backyard farming by providing them series of online live trainings, videos, and activities. Each month will have a dedicated topic and theme with which the activities will revolve around. Organic pesticides, fertilizers, and mushroom growers are some of the topics to name a few.

In collaboration with CARD MRI Hijos Tours, CARD-BDSFI will provide interactive online tours, trainings, and seminars to provide in-depth discussion with the participants. Training videos will also be posted on the Organic Demo Farm Facebook Page every month starting July 2021.

To increase the engagement of the page and attract new followers, CARD-BDSFI also conducts online contests for the public. This is in line with its goal of having a wider reach in the online space.

“We are looking forward to an increase in traffic of our FB page. This will serve as our metric as to how we could improve our content and provide the quality information our followers need to turn their simple farming into a business venture,” Torres concluded.

For more information about the online trainings and contest of CARD-BDSFI, follow the official Facebook Page of the Organic Demo Farm @cardbdsfidemofarm.


Posted on July 13, 2021